The prostate gland is one of the most important organs of the reproductive system of men. Simplicity is small, the size of a big walnut, the gland located around the urethra. The main function of this organ is to produce liquid – juice prostate, which actively participates in the formation of sperm and gives sperma mobility.

Inflammation of the prostate
According to who, almost one-third of the male population diagnosed disorders in the prostate gland with the following complications. Prostatitis is a disease of the endocrine organ, which is characterized medically as inflammation of the prostate, which arose as a result of tissue damage by viruses or bacteria. In addition, non-infectious pathology may develop on the background of inflammation of the seminal vesicles, of the prostate or urination disorders.
Symptoms of prostatitis
Conventionally, the disease prostate can be subdivided into several categories: bacterial, chronic and not bacterial. In the first two cases of violation of the prostate begin due to the fact that the body penetrate bacteria. Acute bacterial form of prostatitis is accompanied by fever, severe pain in the groin abdomen and the perineum, spasms in the abdomen. The sick man begins to often go to the toilet, and sometimes together with urine out of a little blood.
Prostatitis is not a bacterial origin is found as form a pair of prostatic chronic pelvic pain syndrome, while other symptoms may be completely absent. Chronic symptoms of prostatitis in men are expressed in the pain when urinating, groin, lack or disorder of sexual function. The peculiarity of this form of prostatitis that most of the time it is asymptomatic.
It should be noted that the characteristics, as manifested prostatitis, can not be characterized as permanent. Due to the fact that every body is different, certain symptoms may be completely absent, and the disease can occur in different categories of men in his own way. Sometimes prostatitis begins with a dramatic manifestations of the inflammatory process – then speak about the acute form. If the disease bothers only occasionally, then most likely the chronic stage of inflammation of the prostate.
The causes of prostatitis
The risk for such a pathology can be attributed to many different categories of citizens, but more often the prostatitis progresses those who:
- a lot of sitting and not enough moving;
- prefers an unbalanced diet of healthy food;
- can not get rid of addictions to alcohol and Smoking of tobacco;
- often be supercooled;
- does not have a permanent sexual partner;
- often refuses sex.
However, even this is not a complete list of what happens from prostatitis. Doctors say that will appear the inflammation of the prostate can even almost healthy men, in this case, it is often blamed on excessive fatigue, stress, bad ecology. Often it progresses after surgery, a strong blow or other injury of the genitals. In any case, when even the slightest suspicion of prostatitis, you should immediately visit an urologist.
Chronic prostatitis

Manifestations of relapsing forms of the disease are diverse. In some men it is a complete rejection of sex, frequent urge to the toilet, itching or burning sensation in the urethra, or pain in the groin. While the other category of patients can experience these symptoms from time to time. Much more functional characteristic symptoms of chronic prostatitis, which subdivided into three subgroups:
- painful and frequent urination in the toilet, delay of urination, appearance of blood in the sputum, swelling in the groin, diarrhea;
- a feeling of pressure in the anus during ejaculation, the absence or weakness of erection, loss of desire for sex, loss of sharpness of the orgasm;
- anxiety, fatigue, depression, frequent nervous breakdowns and stress.
Recurrent prostatitis without proper treatment can not only deliver a lot of trouble, but also lead to serious consequences: adenoma, abscess and prostate cancer. Continue chronic inflammation of the prostate can indefinitely, but for prostatitis is never monotonous. Sharp, sometimes a strong intensity bouts followed by periods of relative calm.
Catarrhal prostatitis
Or acute parenchymal prostatitis in men more often occurs due to weakened immunity or ingested infection. Thus catarrhal form of the disease may develop even after the usual sore throat, cold and severe coughing. Germs, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms, together with the lymph penetrates into the prostate, where and triggers the inflammatory processes. The first signs of prostatitis in men, as a rule, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and slight fever.
On closer examination the doctor may notice other characteristic catarrhal form symptoms. For example:
- when examination revealed slight swelling of the prostate, the procedure for the patient is very painful;
- the analysis of secretions from the prostate gland will establish the allocation of increased number of white blood cells;
- can be seen on ultrasound purulent components, a blockage or partial narrowing of the ducts through which urine passes.
Diagnosis of prostatitis
Thanks to the active campaigning and omnipresent advertising today, even schoolchildren know not only about the symptoms and how to treat prostate. However, the lack of any signs of stopping not only to choose the right products, but also the time to diagnosis. The best way to prevent inflammation is to go to the clinic. Because it often happens that the diagnosis of prostatitis is carried out at a preventive examination by a urologist.
If there are any complaints experienced doctor may suspect inflammation of the prostate, and given the appropriate tests, among which is often carried out:
- digital rectal examination;
- the analysis of secretions and seminal fluid;
- ultrasound examination of the prostate;
- analysis of urine and blood;
- smear from the urethra.
How to treat prostatitis
What is prostatitis and its treatment are the main topics for discussion in many international symposia and medical conferences. Scientists, ordinary doctors and experienced physicians every year trying to establish a more accurate symptoms of prostatitis, to develop new drugs and methods of prevention. However, at the moment of classical range of therapeutic interventions remains unchanged and includes:
- antibiotic, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators;
- application in relation to the patient devices of the magnetic field, hirudotherapy, ultrasound and laser treatment;
- the rate of prostate massage is aimed at strengthening the reproductive functions of the organism and normalization of blood flow of microcirculation in the urinary system.
In the complex treatment of prostatitis often use herbal means.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis in men
Sorry, but no method or medication alone are not able to save you the manifestations of the disease, and the more completely to remove inflammation. Therefore, the treatment of chronic prostatitis is complex scheme, using the effective means of the three groups:
- Antibiotics – fluoroquinolones. Drugs of this series is well penetrate into the soft tissue of the prostate and destroys most types of harmful microorganisms.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills. Removed a swelling of the prostate, improve blood circulation, relieve the pain.
- Alpha blockers. Help to relax the bladder and urethra, facilitating the flow of urine.
Besides drug therapy involves the use of several additional drugs that promote prostate: vitamins, enzymes, candles, adaptogens. The doctor may also prescribe massage, simple physiotherapy or therapeutic physical culture. All patients assigned a special diet on the fiber, which eliminates the use of alcohol, canned food, fried, too spicy or salty food.