Given the characteristics of the location in the body cancer and methods for diagnosis of prostatitis, some men ignore dangerous symptoms and are reluctant to visit a doctor. The treatment is very effective, if not delay its beginning.

Prostatitis – urological disease of the prostate gland, which is a number of inflammatory processes. This disease there are 2 forms: acute and chronic. The acute form develops rapidly and, if not to take measures for its treatment, it goes into a chronic phase.
Symptoms of acute prostatitis are typical of any inflammation. Patients with high fever observed chills and fever. In the groin, sudden sharp pain that spreads to the anus. As a result, the processes of emptying the bladder can be painful and heavy.
In chronic prostatitis observed the same symptoms as in acute, but they are less pronounced and sometimes completely disappear for a short time.
In addition to pain and temperature in the chronic form of the disease are allocating small volumes that protrude from the urethra. If you do not take measures and not to proceed with treatment of the disease, the inflammatory process will expand, causing problems with erectile function and inflammation of the testicles. With the spread of the disease in the urinary system arise diseases such as cystitis and pyelonephritis.
If in the acute form people immediately turn to the doctors for chronic inflammation of the men prefer to ignore the symptoms and try to avoid medical assistance. Such an attitude to their own health is very dangerous, because only a doctor can determine how far the inflammation and prescribe the necessary medicines to alleviate health and prevent serious consequences.
Causes and diagnosis of pathology
Causes of common and chronic prostatitis are the same, therefore their diagnosis and treatment are performed in such a manner.
Because the prostate lies in the pelvis, access of the infection can occur in various ways:
- from the bladder;
- urethra;
- from the rectum;
- through the lymph vessels;
- through the circulatory system.
In addition, the disease may occur due to direct infection in the gland, there are several factors that leads to the development of the disease.
The most common among the external factors – hypothermia. Long stay in a cold room or sitting on cold surfaces make prostate cancer less resistant to infections. Harmful effects to the prostate have a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, as well as frequent constipation and other disorders in the intestines.

Equally negative for prostate effects of long sexual abstinence and, conversely, excessive sexual activity. The risk of inflammation increases any urological and venereal diseases.
Given that list of factors and pathogens of prostatitis is very wide, for effective treatment is very important its precise diagnosis, and therefore without recourse to the doctor can not do.
The primary diagnosis of prostatitis is a rectal examination of the prostate and capture of secret test. This will help to determine the main causative agent of the disease.
In addition to examination of the prostate is necessary to determine how widely spread the infection. To do this, take the urine and blood samples and is assigned to ultrasound. If necessary, a full urological examination and x-ray diagnostics.
Getting the full picture of the development of inflammation and the finding of the infectious agent, it is possible to determine the treatment process. Because the treatment of prostatitis depends on the conditions and is very individual, to determine what anti-inflammatory drugs and additional procedures to treat the disease have only a qualified doctor.
Antibacterial agents
Effective treatment of prostatitis in men, medication, massage and physical therapy must be prescribed and controlled by professionals to avoid side effects and the emergence of treatment resistant forms of infection.
Correctly chosen treatment will help men to get rid of acute prostatitis and chronic translate into long-term remission.
Since prostatitis is the result of infection, without antibiotic therapy when treatment is not necessary. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed only after receiving the results of all tests. Even effective medicine, wrong or in the wrong dosage, can lead to the fact that the pathogen will become much more sustainable and to cure it will become much harder.
Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of prostatitis is antibiotics of different groups. Prescribed antibiotics can be in the form of tablets, and intramuscular infections. Before to prescribe antibacterial drugs for the prostate, be sure to check body's sensitivity to them. This allows you to choose the most effective drug for each individual case and to avoid allergic reactions.
The course of treatment with any scheduled antibiotics is 10-14 days, during which strictly prohibited the use of alcohol. Upon completion of the course taken repeated analyses of prostate secretion. If it is still present infection, then a course of tablets and injections of antibiotics extended for another week.

Complex therapy in chronic
In the treatment of chronic prostatitis are not only antibiotics but also other means. In the complex therapy included supportive, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic medications for cancer and vitamins.
Recently in the complex therapy began to include immunomodulators, which are effective for the prevention of exacerbations of the disease. Thanks to him, many patients are reduced pain, an erection is restored.
In the complex treatment of prostatitis medicine allowed the use of rectal suppositories, suppositories. Well ease chronic inflammation in the acute stage of the candles with propolis and candles with peptides of the prostate gland. Suppositories help to increase remission, normalizes urination, reduces pain.
In addition to effective medicines from prostatitis a doctor may be appointed physiotherapy. They increase the effectiveness of antibiotics and other drugs that improve blood circulation in the pelvis.
Among the physiotherapeutic treatment is most effective in the treatment of prostatitis is electrophoresis, magnitophones, laser therapy and pulsed currents. All these procedures are performed with the help of special devices that guide the therapeutic effect to the problem area.
In addition to medications and treatments for more effective treatment diet appointed, whose main task – to reduce the consumption of salt and other irritating substances easy. It is necessary to exclude from the diet, salted, pickled, canned foods, fatty and fried food, pastries, soda, and alcoholic drinks. In remission is allowed to loosen the strict diet regime.
Therapeutic and preventive massage
Prostate massage is very effective in the treatment, prophylaxis, although it may bring to patients both moral and physical discomfort. It is because of this discomfort, many men avoid such a procedure. But the massage is the best remedy to restore the health of the gland.
Since the prostate massage can be extracted from it a large number of secret, which is excreted through the urethra, it is contraindicated in acute and chronic prostatitis in the acute phase. Indeed, in such cases, however, secret stands out source of infection and the risk of its spread throughout the body.
If you refuse to massage the prostate, the treatment of the chronic form of the disease will be ineffective, even if the doctor will be able to choose to treat the best medicine. Therefore, to abandon the unpleasant procedure is not necessary.
Thanks massage improves circulation, increases muscle tone, which allows the drug preparations are more effective and targeted to affect the problem area. The prostate gland is a unique organ in the human body, physical effect which contributes to its recovery.
To perform the procedure it is best to have a professional doctor every 2 days. 40 minutes before the procedure, you should drink a liter of water or juice to ensure the filling of the bladder. The effect on the prostate should be at least 30 seconds. While there may be minor soreness have to endure. If you experience severe pain, the procedure must terminate.

In addition to the direct massage of the prostate, the doctor may recommend the patient doing the perineal massage with a special technique. If visiting a therapeutic massage from a specialist is absolutely impossible due to any reason, you can contact hydro-massage at home.
Traditional methods
In folk medicine, there are a number of ways to treat prostatitis. But to resort to using them without consulting a doctor is not necessary. The prostate gland is an important and delicate organ. And only the doctor based on the results of the analyses can prescribe effective treatment.
A very popular folk remedy are pumpkin seeds. They are rich in zinc which are in them in an easy to digest form. This substance is necessary for the normal functioning of the prostate gland, so moderate consumption of pumpkin seeds (not more than 30 pieces a day) can have a positive impact.
This favours the inclusion in the diet of fresh asparagus, rich in vitamin a, phosphorus and potassium. Asparagus can not only eat, but also to make the juice that gives visible results, if you drink it every day in amounts of not less than 600 milliliters. It would be useful to add to the asparagus juice carrot, beet or cucumber juices. The drink to be truly effective, you should cook it yourself from fresh ingredients.
Rich in vitamins and minerals parsley, so when prostatitis it is extremely useful. Especially useful juice fresh parsley, which should be taken three times a day half an hour before meal, 1 tbsp
Very useful for prostatitis honey and propolis. They can be used as food, and to do them on the basis of a variety of drinks. Given that most folk treatments include the use of beneficial for the body foods rich in b vitamins, conventional medicine has nothing against them. The main thing is to folk remedies does not substitute medical treatment, but complements it.