Prostatic inflammation is characterized by a chronic or acute course. These pathologies usually occur in the context of low pressure congestion, microtraumatic lesions, infections or the penetration of pathogens into the urethra. It is perfectly acceptable to treat chronic prostatitis at home, but only under the supervision of specialists.
Therapy for chronic prostatitis can last for several months, during which patients are advised to take the prescribed drugs, do physical therapy and massage.
Characteristics of chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatic inflammation occurs quite frequently in men aged 25 to 50 years old. This form of pathology is characterized by periodic exacerbations and periods of remission, which are constantly replaced.
- Sometimes inflammation is infectious in origin and develops as a result of damage caused by bacterial pathogens. The vital activity of these bacteria negatively affects prostate tissues, destroying them.
- There is also non-infectious prostatitis, which is caused by low baseline congestion and other factors. One of the non-infectious forms of the prostate is congestive prostatitis, which occurs in the context of congestion.
- Chronic inflammation of the prostate is accompanied by very unpleasant symptomatic manifestations, such as frequent and painful urination, weakened erectile function, lack of orgasm or pain in the abdomen and perineum.
- But it turns out that the pathology develops secretly, and it manifests itself already in the exacerbation phase after the chronicity of the inflammatory process.
It is completely impossible to cure chronic prostatitis, but it is perfectly possible to keep the pathology under control so that it remains in remission for a long time. If an exacerbation has occurred, it is necessary to use drug therapy and homemade methods.
How to get rid of pain during an attack
Prostate inflammation is treated by a specialist in urological practice, who prescribes the necessary medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. But sometimes it is necessary to relieve an acute attack of pain in prostatitis with homemade methods. To do this, you can use pills, suppositories or microclysters.
In addition, as first aid in the treatment of exacerbation of prostatitis at home, you can use suppositories or microclysters, which will also be based on anti-inflammatories. It is important to provide rest and rest to the patient.
Popular and effective home treatments
Many patients prefer to treat prostatitis at home with alternative medications. But before using any means, you need to discuss the possibility of such treatment with a treatment specialist. Even harmless prescriptions from traditional medicine are not suitable for everyone, because each patient has individual contraindications.
Home therapy for chronic inflammation of the prostate usually includes eating herbal teas, decoctions and infusions, using microclysters with herbal solutions and medicinal oils, using seeds and therapeutic exercises, diet therapy. But you should not treat these funds as a panacea, as it is useless to be treated only with them. Even the most proven folk remedies cannot replace the use of drug therapy and do not cure the condition. Therefore, even at home, it is best to treat prostate inflammation with the means prescribed by the urologist and use non-traditional therapy methods as a supplement.
Traditional medicine has been used relatively long ago to treat many pathological conditions, including prostatitis.
Herbal home remedies for chronic prostate inflammation have many benefits:
- For the preparation of herbal remedies, only natural raw materials are used, which in the correct dosage cannot harm the organism.
- Many synthetic drugs are addictive, which cannot be said about herbal remedies.
- You can collect raw materials yourself or buy dried plants at the pharmacy, which will still cost less than the medicines.
The treatment of stagnant prostatitis with herbal medicine involves the use of home remedies based on plants, fruits, herbs, etc. They contain many valuable trace elements that perfectly help the body to resist inflammatory damage to glandular tissues and provide useful micronutrients, minerals and other necessary substances.

Hazel infusion is very effective in the home treatment of prostatitis. For its preparation, the bark or leaves of this tree will do. You can cure with the two ingredients, alternating between them. Only the bark must be fermented twice as long as the leaves, because it is harder, emits nutrients for a longer time.
To prepare the remedy, take a large spoonful of hazelnut leaves or peels and whisk in a glass of boiled water. Leave under the lid for half an hour, filter and take a quarter cup in 4 doses. Usually, after a week of therapy, the disease can be successfully cured.
Parsley has incredible properties for men. If you eat it regularly, it can support sexual functions, as well as prevent the development of inflammatory lesions in the gland. Parsley is rich in retinol and ascorbic acid, four times more in vegetables than in citrus.
How to cure prostatitis with parsley? Herbalists recommend taking green juice, which should be prepared immediately before taking it. A single dose is a tablespoon, you need to drink the juice 3 r / d before meals for half an hour. It is also recommended to eat pure vegetables, adding them to salads, first courses and sandwiches.
Wormwood is very useful in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, which exhibits a pronounced anti-inflammatory activity, destroying pyogenic infectious processes. The grass is dried and mopped by hand. The crushed powder is obtained in pure form, literally by a pinch, washed down with water at 6-8 r / d. The admission course lasts a week.
Of the large parts of the plant left over from the ground powder, it is recommended to prepare a decoction and use it for microclysters, introducing them at night. It is also useful to rinse the urethra with this tool, for which you need to inject it into the urethra with a syringe.

Helps to deal with chronic prostatitis and aspen tincture, which is prepared from the bark of a tree.
- They collect the raw materials in the middle of spring, when the sap flow processes are just beginning.
- The bark is dried, placed in a jar and watered with vodka.
- One hundred grams of bark is equivalent to two hundred milliliters of vodka.
- The container is then sealed and shaken well.
- For aging, they are removed for fourteen days in a dark cabinet.
- The final tincture is filtered and taken in twenty drops per fifty milliliters of water.
- Meals are best distributed before meals.
The resulting tincture should be sufficient for two and a half months of therapy.
Nuts are considered an effective treatment for chronic inflammation of the prostate. For medicinal purposes, they use the skin of the chestnut fruits, harvested in September. At that time, the crust will have time to accumulate a large number of useful components and will become very valuable in terms of medicinal value.
The nuts are dried in a well-ventilated room. The raw materials are prepared with boiling water and taken in a glass. This is the daily dose taken at once. Drinking this infusion is recommended for one month. This herbal remedy increases appetite, so many men do not take it inside, but use it for the micro enema, which is administered at night.
Useful against chronic prostatitis and celandine tincture. It is necessary to pour the grass with alcohol and rest for a week and a half. Then, the tincture is filtered and taken one milliliter at a time, diluted in a large spoon of water. Three doses are taken daily. After the end of the therapy course, it is necessary to take an interval of ten days, then the course is performed again.

The plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which helps a weakened gland to fight chronic diseases. The components of Kalanchoe effectively destroy bacterial microorganisms that affect the tissues of the gland. The leaves of the plant are carefully cut, finely chopped and squeezed to obtain a curative juice. I need to have a glass of juice.
Pour ½ liter of alcohol into the resulting juice and insist for 5-6 days in a dark cupboard. The finished tincture normalizes low blood flow, blood pressure indicators, eliminates swelling and pain. It is necessary to take the medicine in a small spoon before meals, once a day for a month.
Bee products
Propolis is considered a popular and effective antiprostatic agent. This is the bee glue that insects use to seal holes in the hive. Propolis is rich in numerous microelements, micronutrients, enzymes, organic acids, etc. The remedy is widely used in the home treatment of prostate diseases. Propolis is totally safe for the body, it has no negative effects.
The remedy has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect, activates prostate functions, restores its structure and cures diseases. In the treatment of prostatitis, propolis is used in several ways.
Propolis candles
Propolis suppositories reduce inflammation and pain symptoms, restore gland cell structures.
- You need to freeze a 6 to 7 gram piece of propolis in the freezer;
- Then it is crushed to a crumb state;
- Melt 100 g of inner fat in a bath and add crushed propolis;
- After dissolving the components, mix the mixture well;
- When the dough has cooled, it is necessary to carefully mold small torpedo-like candles, about 2 cm long (no more).
Suppositories should be inserted rectally after emptying the intestines and washing the perineum. The course of therapy consists of 20 suppositories, then an interval of two months, and again, a course of 20 suppositories.
Propolis oil and tincture

Propolis in combination with olive oil has incredible healing properties. To prepare the product, it is necessary to mix 80 ml of olive oil and 20 g of crushed propolis, while the oil must be preheated in a bath, and then add the crushed propolis. Stir the mixture, keep it in the bath for another 20 minutes, stirring occasionally with the medicinal oil.
Then the product is cooled, filtered and used for microclysters, lotions are made in the perineum. Propolis oil can also be taken orally in its pure form or added to milk.
The treatment of prostatic inflammation with seeds from various plants, for example, pumpkin, parsley, flax, is quite common. The most pronounced therapeutic effect against prostatic inflammation is the use of pumpkin seeds. They are rich in zinc, necessary for the full production of testosterone and normalization of hormone levels.
It is recommended to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds before meals for two months. To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to go through a meat grinder, coffee grinder, and then mix with honey. Roll the balls and suck them one at a time each morning on an empty stomach.
Flaxseed contains a large amount of lignans, which help prevent the effects of carcinogens on the gland and have anti-tumor properties. Flax seeds also have anti-inflammatory and antifungal, enveloping, antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial and laxative effects. The seeds are added to the food or crushed into powder and taken in pure form with water.
Parsley seeds are very effective in treating prostate inflammation. It is necessary to grind 4 tablespoons of raw material to a powdery state. Then, the dough is fermented with a glass of boiling water, boiled for a quarter of an hour, cooled and placed in a large spoon for 4-6 r / day.
Oil treatment

Various oils are also effective in the treatment of prostatitis. They are rubbed externally, injected as part of microclysters, administered orally.
For example, grapefruit seed oil has antiviral and antibacterial effects. It is used by diluting 3-5 drops of essential oil in a glass of warm water. Tea tree oil, which has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, is no less useful. Take this medicine drop by drop, diluted in a large spoon of milk, you can also put the butter in a small bread crumb, which is eaten after meals. The duration of therapy is 3 weeks.
Natural juices
Vegetable juices made from cucumber, carrot, parsley and other vegetables are incredibly useful for inflammation of the prostate.
- Drinks should be prepared immediately before drinking, having a glass twice a day.
- If the patient has diarrhea or intolerance to any vegetable, it is best to make carrot juice and parsley.
- It is useful to drink ½ liter of asparagus juice a day.
- You can treat the prostate and pumpkin and carrot juices mixed in equal parts.
- A cocktail of freshly squeezed beet, cucumber and carrot juices, mixed in equal amounts, is also beneficial for men with prostate inflammation. This juice should be taken in 600 ml daily.
- A drink made from elderberries is also useful, which experts recommend taking on an empty stomach, 100 ml for a 10-day course.
For many men, juice therapy can cause a short-term rise in temperature, but after a few days of treatment, thermodynamic parameters return to normal.
Corrective Gymnastics
In addition to herbs, juices and other products, special therapeutic exercises are recommended. The inflammatory processes in the prostate tissues begin due to the stagnation of the lower basal structures. In addition, stagnation can affect not only the circulatory system, but also the prostatic secret.
Physical gymnastics helps to improve the patient's condition. Leading urologists recommend choosing training sessions that do not require loads of energy in the pelvic area. The most suitable sports are qigong or yoga, kegel exercises in the perineum, walking or running, swimming.
Special attention should be paid to the Kegel complex, specially developed to train the muscle tissues of the perineum. This gymnastic has a beneficial effect on prostate functions, helps to restore erectile functions and improve the quality of sexual life.
During training, patients are prohibited from overloading the body. At first, you need to perform elements with a low load, gradually increasing it, increasing the number of repetitions and the duration of the training. To avoid complications, the urologist must select the correct gym complex.
It is important to adjust the patient's diet, eradicate unhealthy habits and get used to a normal way of working, resting and sleeping. It is extremely important that men move around more, play sports and stay outdoors. Of course, homemade methods will never be able to replace complete therapy, but they are perfectly capable of helping to prolong the remission period and prevent disease.