Inflammation of the prostate, or prostatitis, can be acute and chronic. Most of the time, organ damage is caused by a specific or nonspecific infection; sometimes, pathological changes develop as a result of congestion in the small pelvis. The main symptoms are urinary disorders and decreased potency. Treatment should be comprehensive and include the use of medications and normalization of blood circulation in Organs pelvic organs in men.

Classification and characteristics of prostatitis
Prostate inflammation in men is a pathology that significantly reduces the quality of life of patients and causes a series of serious complications in the urinary and genital areas.
Prostatitis can be acute and chronic throughout the course. The latter can occur on its own (this happens more often) or is a consequence of an untreated acute process.
Classify prostate inflammation as follows:
- The first category, or acute bacterial prostatitis.
- The second is chronic bacterial inflammation.
- The third, or chronic abacterial prostatitis (chronic pelvic pain syndrome). It is subdivided into 3A - inflammatory and 3B - non-inflammatory.
- The fourth is asymptomatic inflammation of the prostate.
The first and second categories are established for patients with a positive bacteriological study. The difference is that the first is diagnosed when the symptoms do not last more than 3 months. With the presence of clinical manifestations for longer, chronic bacterial prostatitis is diagnosed.
The third category is also called chronic pelvic pain syndrome, as the main complaint of patients is pain for at least 3 months. When examining secretions (ejaculation, urine, gland secretion after massage), pathological microflora is not detected. In the case of an increase in the number of leukocytes in these analyzes, inflammatory prostatitis (category 3A) is established, with its normal content - non-inflammatory.
In most men, one of the categories above is identified, as patients seek help due to the presence of certain symptoms of the pathology.
Recently, doctors have identified the fourth subtype of the disease - asymptomatic prostatitis. It is diagnosed by chance during medical examinations or when the man is being examined for other diseases of the genitourinary system. The danger in this way lies in the fact that there are pathological changes in the prostate, but the disease has no subjective signs. This condition usually leads to the development of infertility.
Why is there a burning sensation in the urethra in men
Acute inflammation of the prostate in men occurs in 70% of cases due to E. coli infection.In other situations, the pathology is caused by enterobacteria such as pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Proteus. Staphylococci and streptococci are much less common.
From specific infections, neisseria gonorrheae and trichomonas vaginalis can cause acute prostatitis.
The contributing factors are:
- Performing various surgical interventions on male genitourinary organs.
- Narrowing of the urethra as a result of chronic and acute inflammatory processes in the urethra.
- Carrying out diagnostic procedures - cystoscopy, ureteroscopy, etc.
- Violation of urination as a result of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
- Activation of opportunistic microflora (enterobacteria) in pathogens under the influence of reduced immunity and other diseases of the body.
- Irregular sexual life, which leads to stagnation of secretions in the prostate.
Chronic inflammation
If chronic prostatitis appears as a continuation of an acute process, the cause will be the same. In the case of this form of the disease, the main primary predisposing factors are:
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
- Clostridium.
- Gonorrhea and Trichomonas (can immediately cause a chronic form without an acute period).
- Salmonella.
- Various types of fungi.
In the pathology onset mechanism, an important role is played by a phenomenon such as intraprostatic reflux - the reflux of urine through the excretory ducts in the prostate. As a result of this process, the infection can easily enter the organ, multiply and cause inflammation. Increase reflux:
- phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin);
- decreased lumen of the urethra;
- balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin);
- urethral obstruction with urolithiasis stone.
Reflux and irregular sexual activity increase the processes of stagnation in the prostate, which leads to the active reproduction of microorganisms, intensification and spread of inflammationAs a result, areas of fibrosis (replacement of normal tissuedense connective tissue) may occur and prostate calculi may form. All of this enhances the pathological process and has serious consequences.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) is synonymous with this disease and occurs without the presence of any microorganism in the secretions detected by conventional microbiological methods.
There are several theories about the appearance of the pathology:
- infectious;
- chemical inflammation; immune
- .
The confirmation of the infectious theory is that during the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA from pathogens is detected in prostate secretion. However, the microorganisms themselves are not detected by other microbiological methods.
Generally, with CPPS, the genetic material of the following bacteria is found:
- Ureaplasma urealyticum (ureaplasma urealyticum).
- Mycoplasma hominis.
- Chlamydia trachomatis.
- Trichomonas vaginalis.
The theory of chemical inflammation explains CPPS as intraprostatic reflux, but in this case, the cause is not the bacteria, but the urine itself. Once in the prostate, it causes damage to cell structures and an inflammatory response.
According to immunological theory, pathology occurs as a result of autoimmune processes or as a result of the immune response to the entry of a foreign antigen into an organ.
In most cases, CPPS is caused not just by one, but by its complex effect.
The triggering factor for asymptomatic prostatitis can be anyone who can cause the above categories, the difference is only in the course of this form of the disease.
Acute bacterial inflammation of the prostate is characterized by the appearance of general and local symptoms.
Severe pain in the suprapubic region and in the perineum, as well as urinary disorders until completely stopped, come first. Of the general symptoms of patients are concerned with body aches, sweating, chills, fever, weakness.
Sometimes, pain occurs only during bowel movements or sitting. In some atypical cases, fever is the only sign of illness.
With severe prostate edema, acute urinary retention occurs. This is due to the fact that the organ with its increased size compresses the urethra and forms a mechanical obstacle for the exit of the contents of the bladder. At the same time, the patient's general condition deteriorates significantly: signs of intoxication increase every hour and, in severe cases, disturbances of consciousness and even coma may occur.
In case of late diagnosis, complications such as the formation of an abscess (suppuration) of the prostate with more passage of pus to the urethra or rectum may occur. As a result, fistulas are formed, which require surgical intervention and reconstructive operations.
Manifestations of chronic bacterial inflammation of the prostate
The manifestations of this form of the disease are diverse, ranging from the complete absence of symptoms to an acute exacerbation of the process.
In most cases, patients are concerned about pain in the perineum and rectum of varying intensity, which can spread to the scrotum, sacrum, penis and thighs. Sometimes, the pain syndrome becomes paroxysmal in nature, reminiscent of neuralgia.
Urethral discomfort and frequent urination are also observed. The discharge from the urethra is sometimes determined. They get worse during the day after walking, exercising, bowel movements or prostate massage.
There is a feeling of heaviness, pressure, fullness in the rectum and perineum. These symptoms get worse after sitting for a long time. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory processes in the urinary system, caused by the same microflora - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.
Symptoms of bacterial prostatitis
CPPS is characterized by a clinical picture of chronic bacterial inflammation of the prostate.
Patients have been suffering from pelvic and perineal pain for more than 3 months and the results of the bacteriological examination are negative.Several types of urinary disorders are characteristic:
- frequent urination;
- difficulty passing urine (slow jet, need for additional efforts);
- pain when urinating.
Sometimes there are sexual dysfunctions - decreased libido, impotence.General symptoms usually appear in the form of weakness, headache.
Treatment with medication
Antibiotics are the basis of therapy. In the chronic process, drugs from the fluoroquinolone group are indicated. For acute prostatitis, beta-lactam antibiotics and aminoglycosides are prescribed.The treatment is carried out in 2 steps:
- At the first moment, empirical therapy is prescribed (before receiving the harvests). For this, third generation cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones are used.
- In the second step, the treatment is corrected according to the bacteriological data obtained and the results of sensitivity to antibacterial agents.
These groups of antibiotics are chosen because they penetrate the hematoprostatic barrier and create a high concentration of active substance in the prostate. This allows you to eliminate the focus of the infection.For abacterial prostatitis, antimicrobial therapy is also prescribed, which is necessary for 2 reasons:
- Antibiotics significantly alleviate the condition of patients.
- There is a high probability of the presence of microorganisms in the secretions, difficult to detect by laboratory methods, in the prostate.
The antibiotic regimen for chronic pelvic pain syndrome is as follows:
- A fluoroquinolone or doxycycline drug is prescribed for 2 weeks.
- A repeated examination of prostate secretion is performed and, with a decrease in symptoms, the medication is continued for up to 4 weeks.
Treat patients with asymptomatic prostatitis for the following indications:
- infertility;
- before undergoing prostate surgery as a prophylaxis;
- in the identification of pathogenic microorganisms in secretions;
- with a high level of antiprostatic antibodies in the blood and positive microbiological tests.
Other means
For prostatitis, drugs from the alpha blocking group are prescribed. These agents increase the maximum and average flow rate of urine, reduce the tone in the urethra wall and eliminate the incomplete opening of the bladder neck during emptying. These effects eliminate phenomena such as:
- Frequent and painful urination;
- reduced jet flow;
- the need for extra effort to excrete urine.
Typical representatives are Alfuzosin, Tamsulosin and Doxazosin, they are especially relevant in the chronic forms of the disease.The course of treatment for these drugs is at least 3 months.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed as symptomatic therapy. They reduce inflammation, edema and reduce pain.Drugs like diclofenac, ibuprofen, nimesulide and others are used. The duration of treatment with these agents should not exceed 4 weeks. These drugs are taken strictly after meals, as they irritate the stomach wall.
In addition to the pills, local treatment is also used. Therefore, patients are prescribed suppositories such as Vitaprost, Prostatilen, Uroprost, etc. They are also indicated for prostate adenoma.
Dwarf palm fruit extract is widely used in traditional medicine. The active substances reduce inflammation, edema and have a vasoprotective effect (they strengthen the vascular wall).
The bark of the African plum has similar effects.
Prostatilen has a natural origin. It is made from the prostate of cattle. It has anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the phenomenon of prostate adenoma.
Folk remedies
Prostatitis can be treated with folk remedies. First, in terms of effectiveness - the use of pumpkin seed oil. You can buy this product in pharmacies. Take for 1 tbsp. I. 3 times a day, the course of treatment is 3-4 months.As a prophylaxis of prostate disease, all men can eat 30 pumpkin seeds before meals, once a day. It is necessary to eat them raw, because after the roasting, the healing properties are lost.

For treatment, you can use pumpkin seeds prepared according to the following recipe:
- 0. 5 kg of peeled seeds are ground in a meat grinder or blender.
- Add 200 g of honey to them and mix everything until smooth.
- Forms 2-3 cm balls.
Keep them in the refrigerator, take a piece 30 minutes before meals. This product should be chewed for 2-3 minutes and dissolved, not swallowed. The course of treatment is 6 months.
An infusion of leaves or a decoction of hazelnut has a curative effect on prostatitis. To prepare the first medicine, you need to take 1 tablespoon. I. dry leaves and infusion in a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for 30 minutes and take 1/4 of the resulting solution 4 times a day. For a decoction of the peel, 1 tbsp. I. pour 200 ml of crushed raw material and cook in a water bath for 30 minutes. After that, the medicine should be cooled and taken 1/4 cup 4 times a day.
Parsley has a curative effect on prostatitis. It has anti-inflammatory effects and helps to restore sexual activity. In this case, parsley juice is used. To do this, the vegetables are crushed to a state of porridge and squeeze the liquid through a cotton cloth folded 3-4 times. Take for 1 tbsp. I. 3 times a day.
Treat prostatitis at home and with medicinal herbs. One is absinthe. Allows to relieve inflammation and rid the body of the pathogen. It is taken dry in the first 3 days - it is absorbed by the mouth every 2-3 hours. The next four days reduce the number of receptions to 5. Every day, at night, they make grass microclysters.
To do this, you need to prepare an infusion: for 1 tbsp. I. you need to take 1 liter of water. The composition should be boiled and allowed to cool to +40 degrees. After that, the solution should be filtered. It is necessary to make injections in the anus (100 ml), as well as in the urethra (50 ml). Procedures must be performed within one week. They are indicated in a chronic process.During the shower and microclysters, the release of pus is possible - this is a normal phenomenon, which indicates the effectiveness of the treatment.
In combination with the main methods of treating the disease, physiotherapy, prostate massage and organ acupuncture are used.
Living with chronic prostatitis means undergoing comprehensive examinations and therapy regularly, as there is a high probability of loss of reproductive function.