Prostatitis called inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease is spread only to men. It affects men from 20 years, but more often it appears after 30 years.
Statistics show that the number of those who are ill, have recently doubled. This means that from it nobody is insured.

Signs of the disease
There are several types of prostatitis: chronic, infectious, acute and chronic infectious non-infectious.
The main signs of the disease in prostatitis in men:
- pain in the scrotum, lower abdomen and perineum;
- problems with urination;
- sexual function upset;
- problems with ejaculation;
- the quality and quantity of sperm is changed.
Features of the disease depend on such causes as:
- time disease;
- lack of sexual life;
- phase of the inflammatory process;
- a sedentary lifestyle.
Signs of prostate disease in men are similar to signs of other diseases, so diagnosis alone is not worth it, you need to consult a urologist who will determine the symptoms and treatment.
To make a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes analysis for infections that are sexually transmitted.
In addition, the man will need to pass the following tests: urine culture and prostate secretion. The most important place in the diagnosis is ultrasound examination of the prostate. To treat the inflammation first you need to determine the causes of diseases and eliminate them.
Possible causes of prostatitis
- An infectious disease cause Mycoplasma, chlamydia, fungi of the genus Candida, Trichomonas, herpes virus, E. coli, which is transmitted sexually. The infection affects the urethra.
- In the pelvic organs, blood circulation, there is stagnation and simplicity starts to become inflamed.
- Sedentary job.
- The lack of sexual activity interrupts sexual intercourse.
- A weak immune system.
- Multiple hypothermia.
- Depression, stress.
- Hormonal failure.
- A lack of vitamins.

Prevention of prostatitis
The most common cause of the disease is infection. Most often infection infected men with weak immune systems. Using drugs can be effective in the short term to fight off the infection. The sooner treatment is started inflammation of the prostate medications, the better.
To avoid infectious diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. The alcohol limit to completely stop Smoking and use of drugs. It is not necessary to SuperCool. To lead a healthy lifestyle, to exercise, to apply prescribed medicinal products.
Sexual intercourse must be without delay ejaculation, ejaculation must be completed. Men are important to keep a constant sex life.
Treatment of prostatitis
If chronic prostatitis is not treated, the prostate can get multiple sclerosis. In acute prostatitis develops an abscess of the prostate, is an inflammation with pus: is accompanied by a high fever, chills, pain in the perineum and urination. Then it swells the prostate and exacerbated the delay in urination. Medications for treatment of prostatitis are selected depending on what stage the disease is. Acute prostatitis is easier to treat than chronic.
Treatment of acute prostatitis
The course of treatment depends on the signs of the disease. If the patient has high fever, pain in the perineum, problems with urination, nausea, vomiting, it is quite possible that started the development of an abscess.
For treatment you need: bed rest and antibiotics. It is forbidden to massage the prostate, drugs to normalize blood circulation.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
An important element of effective treatment - correction of lifestyle. When confronted with a problem, should reconsider its attitude to many aspects of their life. Any treatment will not bring results, if ignored this point.

What medication for prostatitis to use and what procedures to undergo, to install should the treating physician after performing a comprehensive examination.
Usually for treatment of prostatitis in men is prescribed:
- the NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) course;
- receiving immunomodulators. These medicines from prostatitis relieve the swelling with the prostate;
- to enhance erection taken sedatives and antidepressants;
- physiotherapy for the muscles of the pelvis;
- rectal massage.
Medication to treat inflammation of the prostate
Than to treat prostatitis in men with medication? Today there are many areas of treatment, however, the standard scheme of treatment of prostatitis based on priority use of antibiotics.
Antibiotics for treatment of prostatitis are assigned based on the sensitivity analysis.
Antibiotic therapy can last from 6 to 12 weeks, while one drug may be replaced by others or just use two of the drug. All strictly individually. If the infectious agent is not detected, the widely used drugs spectrum of action.
The doctor considers, that prostatitis is often caused by gram-negative bacteria, therefore, chooses the appropriate antibiotic. In addition, elected to treat prostatitis medication needs to accumulate in the prostate gland, and to create such concentrations, which kill the causative agents of the inflammatory process.
Drug treatment of prostatitis is impossible without vitamins. Important point of regimen, the correction of immunity. Prolonged chronic inflammation of prostate in men with frequent exacerbations is characteristic of persons with reduced protective forces of an organism. Correction of the immune status of an individual, one patients enough to assign a non-specific drugs (vitamin), others - consultation of the immunologist and active stimulation medications and treatments immunity.

What better way to eliminate the pain medications? In severe pain in the groin and perineum prescribe pain medication, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Its firm place in the treatment of prostatitis is and candles, intended for insertion by the patient into the rectum. They can contain propolis, extracts of prostate cattle. In any case, their application has a local improvement process. To get rid of chronic prostatitis, it is necessary comprehensive treatment of prostatitis with medicines and physical procedures. This process is very long and requires a lot of effort. To avoid this disease, should be checked annually for prostate.
Why you should treat prostatitis?
The disease is dangerous for its consequences, which can be varied and not very bright. The acute phase threat to the development of an abscess of the prostate. The chronic phase represents a later danger is sclerosis of the prostate, when the prostate tissue substitute scars, and this leads to shrinkage and reduction in size of the prostate. The prostate is the center of development of male sex hormones that allows men to conform to that word and feel men. The glandular tissue of the prostate produces prostatic fluid, the prostate secretion and sex hormones.
Inflammation of the prostate gland often leads to sexual dysfunction, negatively affects the process of formation of male germ cells - spermatogenesis. Sex hormones protect the man not only from impotency, but also prevent the development of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. The prostate gland is part the reproductive system, which is focused ancestral male function.
When inflammation of the prostate gland, the prostate secretion changes its properties, which negatively affects sexual activity, which varies to different degrees. As a rule, is rapid ejaculation, reduced libido, has a tendency to fading potency. Often the disease goes unnoticed and contributes to the spread of inflammation to adjacent structures: to seminal vesicles, seed tubercle, the testicles and their appendages. Their proximity to the excretory ducts of the prostate gland leads to infection.

The complications such as vesiculitis - inflammation of the seminal vesicles, colliculitis inflammation seed tubercle, inflammation of the VAS deferens due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of men. During the long-term impaired fertility sperm is affected, their motor function up to complete immobility, disturbed their quantitative and qualitative development. Disturbed permeability for sperm cells in seed-efferent ducts. And this is a direct way to male infertility, which treatment if possible, it is very difficult and long.
The presence in the centre of the pelvis permanent inflammatory focus surrounding the urinary system and intestines, contributes to the spread of inflammation to adjacent organs of the pelvis. The new foci of infection: chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, colitis. Inflammation of the prostate creates problems that are absolutely not commensurate with its size. Prostatitis lowers the immune system and may undermine the body's defenses. Therefore, the prostatitis requires treatment and preventive measures.
Those representatives of a strong half of mankind, who are faced with this problem should address to the urologist and follow the recommendations.