At the first symptoms of inflammation of the prostate, you should choose the most effective drug for prostatitis, which reduces the possibility of complications.
What is prostatitis
For the treatment of prostatitis, a sea of remedies in various forms has been invented, which are convenient to take at home and at work, without interrupting treatment for even a moment.
Inflammation of the prostate usually affects men, but it is getting younger. If before only people over forty suffered from inflammation of the prostate, now a sedentary lifestyle reduces the age of patients to 25 years.
The disease is an inflammatory process in the prostate tissues, ranging from acute to chronic.
Acute degree will have more severe symptoms than asymptomatic chronic prostatitis. The main signs of prostate inflammation are:
- sharp pain in the groin area;
- discomfort in the perineum and scrotum;
- pain in the lower back;
- acute pain when urinating, which resembles labor pains;
- decrease in the urinary stream and its intermittency;
- feeling of a full bladder;
- constant need to urinate;
- decreased erectile function;
- decreased male libido.
How to choose a medicine against inflammation of the prostate
A medication properly selected for the inflammatory process will help to relieve men of possible complications and problems during treatment, as the disease later evolves into a prostate adenoma.
The variety of fast-acting drugs and their forms allow you to cure a disease quickly and effectively at any stage, without having problems with complications and side effects.
In order for the disease to resolve as quickly as possible, you must use complex and individually selected therapy. When choosing effective drugs for prostatitis, experts advise paying close attention to:
- the age of a given patient;
- the degree of development of the inflammatory process;
- additional diseases of the genitourinary system;
- existing allergic reactions and body characteristics;
- contraindications for use.
A fast-acting medication should focus not only on eliminating the main symptoms of the disease, but also on stabilizing the psychological condition. It is necessary to understand that the patient has acute pain, discomfort and problems with sexual function, so he feels insecure, often aggressive, irritated and concerned about his future.
If you choose the right remedy for prostatitis in men, it will quickly help get rid of the spicy problem and restore reproductive function, avoiding allergic reactions and side effects.
Types of medicines used
The most effective and effective remedy for prostate inflammation in nature does not exist. There is not a single medical professional in the world who recommends a universal treatment with rapid action, since its selection is strictly individual.
Any urologist will provide men with a very voluminous list of cheap but more effective drugs against inflammation of the prostate, which will be distributed depending on the form and neglect of the disease. For the most effective treatment, all medications should be taken in combination so as not to enter a state of chronic prostatitis and minimize unpleasant symptoms as much as possible.
All types of drugs for the treatment of the inflammatory process in the prostate are divided into the following groups:
- antibacterial- means that it is vital for those in whose body the viruses or bacteria have settled, which has led to the transition of the disease to an acute form; high-quality antibiotics can be beneficial only if the pathogenic flora is found in the prostate secret; for the therapy to take effect, your course of treatment must be as long as possible and be at least one month;
- alpha blockers- cheap drugs for real men who can quickly normalize the urination process by relaxing the walls of the urinary tract; it can relieve sphincter spasms, establish the correct flow of urine and seminal fluid, normalize the pressure in the bladder and reduce the number of urination per day;
- relaxing for the muscular system- drugs similar to the previous ones, but whose main action is to stimulate the muscles of the perineum; they are relatively inexpensive and effectively help to reduce muscle tone, while decreasing pressure on the pelvic organs and reducing pain;
- pills with analgesic effect- have only a short-term pain-eliminating effect on the lower abdomen and groin area;
- phytopreparations- drugs for prostatitis are cheap, but effective if taken constantly for a long time, as phytopreparation tends to accumulate in the body and only then give the necessary therapeutic effect; this list includes pills based on plant materials (pumpkin seeds, sabal and ground palm), whose analyzes are purely positive; they are able to reduce swelling of the prostate and perineum by removing excess fluid from the body as quickly as possible;
- sedative type- designed for cases where problems arise not only physical, but also psychological; taking medication helps to reduce the risk of depression and stress; the problem will more often be associated with the fact that it is difficult for men to accept inferiority in a sexual sense, which causes misunderstandings, fear and irrational anger towards others;
- individually selected complexes of vitamin products- high-quality, affordable vitamins can significantly boost immunity and strengthen the body, enabling it to treat a spicy disease.
Rules for the selection of medicines
It is impossible to find fast-acting and cheap drugs for prostatitis, which have practically no side effects and contraindications, but from several essential drugs it is really possible to prepare a complex that can effectively help in solving the problem.
Properly selected remedies for treatment do not allow inflammation of the prostate to turn into a chronic form if they are prescribed by a professional urologist familiar with the course of a particular patient's illness.
You will have to take your prescription drugs every day for a long time to get a lasting result. For a drug on the list to be beneficial, it must be selected according to:
- the general condition of the patient;
- results of analyzes performed in the laboratory;
- stage of the disease.
Only a urologist should select a drug, as self-medication can lead to the selection of an affordable drug, which:
- affects the gastrointestinal tract;
- destabilizes the immune system;
- causes allergic reactions;
- causes skin rash;
- stimulates the appearance of benign or malignant tumors in the prostate area.
Some medications can relieve the main symptoms, but do not eliminate common problems; according to various reviews on social media, they are addictive to an expensive drug in particular.
Forms of drugs for prostatitis
The list of prostatitis drugs that should be taken during treatment can be quite extensive.
It is common to distinguish forms of drugs such as:
- instillations- drugs that are injected directly into the urethra and begin to act almost instantly, but it will not be possible to manipulate on its own;
- injections- are able to quickly activate the activity of the vascular and immune systems, are introduced into the body in the form of injections, so they quickly penetrate the affected systems;
- microscopic enemas- the most controversial from the point of view of doctors around the world, because they do not understand whether they belong to homeopathy, remedies or folk remedies; they are used more often for prevention than for effective treatment;
- non-steroidal drugs that relieve inflammation- drugs that can reduce the level of the inflammatory process, while increasing the body's ability to resist disease;
- rectal suppositories- drugs that can not only anesthetize the perineum and genital area, but also quickly stimulate metabolism;
- classic pills- drugs that must be taken to reduce the activity of bacteria, but only after the tests have been approved and the exact list of microbes that will have to be exterminated has been established.
Do not think that you will have to use the same drugs all the time, as their list changes according to the effectiveness in each case and the feedback from the patients themselves.
In case the medication causes an allergic reaction or proves ineffective, the urologist will prescribe additional tests or diagnostic studies to change the medication by a more effective one.
Some medicines for prostatitis
To find a high quality medication that helps to eliminate the symptoms and complications of prostate inflammation, you should contact a urologist, who will prescribe the appropriate medication.
For an effective treatment of prostatitis, the traditional medication regimen should be used, as traditional methods and self-medication can only aggravate the course of the disease.
In this case, an insidious disease can lead to degeneration of the inflammatory process of the prostate in prostate adenoma or oncology.