Inflammation of the prostate requires complex treatment.In addition to medicines and physiotherapy, men should use herbs for prostatitis, the most effective of which are for sale at any pharmacy chain.They will help to speed up the healing process and will serve as an excellent prevention of the next exacerbation of the disease.
Herbal remedies greatly help to increase the effects of traditional remedies. Medicinal herbs are prepared in different ways and used in different ways (in the form of decoctions, infusions, tea, alcoholic tinctures). Herbal treatment for prostatitis has many benefits:
- is easily perceived by the body;
- does not have an extensive list of contraindications;
- has a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive tract;
- does not cause toxic damage to internal organs;
- can be used at any stage of the disease;
- goes well with any pharmacy product;
- participates in exchange processes;
- increases and maintains immunity at a high level;
- remains available for all patient categories;
- is not addictive, so this or that plant can be used for a long time.
How herbs work for prostatitis
In order for herbal medicine to be as effective as possible, herbs for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men are selected according to their effect on the body. It is better to prepare more than one plant, but mix it with others so that the prepared medicine has:
- Anti-inflammatory properties. These plants include chamomile, medicinal sage, bearberry, marigold, milleft, dioecious nettle, St. John's wort.
- Antiseptic action. Herbs with diuretic properties help to remove toxic compounds and pathogens from the body. These include: bearberry, common centaury, medicinal rosemary.
- General qualities of strengthening and immunomodulation. The stronger the body's defenses are, the faster it deals with the disease. Echinacea, valerian, ginseng help to boost immunity.
- Circulatory improvement properties. Often, the cause of the development of the disease is the congestion of Organs pelvic organs. They arise due to a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of regular sex. Blood circulation in the pelvis is restored by the sweet clover and horse chestnut.

The most effective herbs for prostatitis
Herbal remedies help to relieve inflammation and spasms, facilitate the urination process, normalize blood circulation, destroy pathogenic flora and prevent relapse.
The most effective herbs for prostatitis in men are:
The pure root is crushed and filled with a liter of boiling water. Since the plant has a pronounced repulsive flavor, you can add some honey and lemon juice to it. The resulting medicine will awaken sexual desire, eliminate symptoms of congestive diseases and stimulate blood flow in Organs pelvic organs. Take three times a day, a large spoon before the main meal.
Fresh plant juice is mixed with isopropyl alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. The resulting product is diluted in a glass of pure water and taken according to the competence regime: each time the number of drops is increased byone until 30 drops are obtained. Then there is a countdown until the dose is zero.
5 large spoons of nettle seeds are added to 0. 5 liters of quality red wine and cooked over low heat for 5 minutes. Every day before going to bed, they consume a quarter of a cup of the drug.
Herb Collection
You can buy herbal remedies for prostatitis at pharmacies or collect it yourself.
For this mix:
- Potentilla;
- Icelandic moss; white mistletoe;
- highlander pepper;
- corn silk;
- soap box;
- hinu.
Each plant receives 15 g. A large spoon of the mixture is steamed in a glass of boiling water, which is left to stand for half an hour and 2 large spoons are drunk daily.
If you ask which herbs treat the prostate in men, traditional healers will certainly mention bearberry. This bitter herb is widely used as a decoction, water infusion and alcoholic tincture. Water-based medicines take 1 to 2 large spoons, three times a day. The alcohol-based product is consumed from 10 to 15 drops three times a day.
The plant can be prepared as tea and drink immediately after a meal. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and diuretic effect.
This herb is present in the most effective medicinal preparations created for the treatment of genitourinary diseases. The herb owes its healing qualities to the constituent carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamin C. In addition, ivan tea contains betasitosterol, a substance that promotes:
- reduced level of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream;
- strengthening the immune system;
- relief of inflammation;
- destruction of fungi, bacteria and viruses;
- positive effect on gland tissue;
- normalization of reproductive system functions.
If a patient does not know which herbs to drink for male prostatitis, he can use Ivan tea. This decoction is suitable for the treatment: 2 small spoons of a dried plant are steamed in 0, 5 liters of boiling water, covered with a lid and wait for 15 minutes. They take the medicine in strained form at any time of the day, regardless of food, for three months.
The most useful plant is used not only for problems with the gland: it can eliminate the focus of inflammation in any organ. Ginseng increases potency, improves sperm quality, which is why people are called natural Viagra. The root of the plant contains saponin, an element that stimulates the functions of all vital organs, including the prostate. It is used with caution by men over 45 who suffer from high blood pressure.
The herb is used as follows: 50 g of crushed ginseng root is infused in 0. 5 liters of vodka for three weeks in a dark, cool place. If the man does not suffer from allergies, then you can add a large spoon of natural honey. The final composition is drunk in a small spoon every day, three times a day before meals, for a month.
The herbs that help with prostatitis are those that have anti-inflammatory and blood flow-improving properties. The dry bark of aspen is the best choice for the treatment of male diseases. 100 g of crushed dry raw material are placed in 200 ml of vodka, corked and left for 14 days. It is then filtered and consumed three times a day before the main meal, 20 drops dissolved in half a glass of water. The course of therapy lasts 1-1, 5 months.
The treatment of prostatitis in men with hazelnut is carried out as follows:
- 2-3 leafy branches are boiled in water for 25-30 minutes. Insist until you get an infusion of wine. Pour the resulting product into a bowl and conduct steam baths daily. A new infusion is prepared for each procedure.
- 15 g of dried hazelnut shell, 3 roots of parsley, 30 g of ash foliage, 15 g of yellow zelenchuk are well chopped and mixed. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes. Then it is filtered and taken in place of water during the day.
Borovaya's uterus
This plant copes well with urinary diseases due to its powerful composition, which includes: phenols, coumarins, ascorbic acid, saponins, tanning compounds, resins. It has diuretic, immunomodulatory, anti-tumor and tonic properties. Prepare the medicine as follows: 60 g of the crushed plant is poured into 600 ml of alcohol. Insist 2-3 weeks and take 35 drops three times a day.
St. John's Wort
When looking for good herbs for the prostate, you should opt for St. John's wort. It contains:
- Flavonoids with anti-inflammatory properties and preventing the development of allergies;
- natural antibiotics;
- terpenes are biosynthetic hydrocarbon products with a diuretic, antiviral and disinfectant effect.
If you drink tea with the addition of St. John's wort every day, man's potency will increase, as evidenced by countless patient analyzes. The plant is fermented and taken like this:
- A large spoon of a dried plant is steamed in a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. After cooling, the product is filtered and clean water is added to it to make a full glass. Drink, divided into three doses, before the main meal.
- 100 g of dry raw material is poured into 0. 5 liters of vodka and kept for a week in a dark place. Drink a small spoon before the main meal.
This herb for male prostatitis is valued for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Relieves spasms, normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of digestive organs. It is not recommended to use it for people diagnosed with blood disorders. Yarrow makes a good decoction and tincture:
- 15 g of dried herbs are covered with a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for 20 minutes. The broth is taken in a large spoon three times a day.
- 30 g of dry raw material is poured into a glass of vodka, corked and kept for two weeks in a dark place. Take the tincture three times a day, 40 drops.
Swamp air
The list of effective medicinal herbs for prostatitis and prostate adenoma includes calamus root. It helps to relieve inflammation, soothes the central nervous system, stops the reproduction of microbes and helps to deal with stagnant processes. 50 g of grated raw material is poured into 0. 5 liters of vodka and kept sealed for 2 weeks. After being filtered and taken before the main meal, 30 drops each.
Important! Calamus marsh should not be taken by men with stomach ulcers, impaired kidney function, low blood pressure, intolerance to the active elements of the plant.
This herb will maximize its medicinal qualities in combination with other herbal ingredients that help to eliminate the signs of inflammation of the gland. The preparation of a curing agent goes like this: 0. 5 large spoons of hemlock are mixed with the same amount of celandine and 100 ml of ethanol is poured. Leave on for 10 days and take a teaspoon for prostatitis in the morning, half an hour before meals.

How to properly prepare herbs for prostatitis
For a medicinal plant or an entire collection of herbs for prostatitis to have a positive effect on the body, you must follow the rules of brewing:
- any part of the plant is used to prepare a decoction or infusion: rhizome, stems, flowers, leaves. In this case, it is desirable to combine them;
- before dispensing the medicine, the raw material must be ground in a pestle or blender;
- infusions and decoctions are prepared in glass, porcelain or enamel dishes;
- decoctions are considered the most harmless and safe means. They can be prepared daily by mixing different ingredients;
- filter the vegetable product only after cooling completely;
- alcoholic tinctures are not always advisable. It is forbidden to use them during a course of antibiotic therapy;
- Any folk remedy using medicinal herbs for prostatitis should be drunk only after consulting your doctor.
Duration of treatment
A specialist will tell you how much and how to treat prostatitis with herbs. The duration of the therapeutic course always takes at least one month, since the action of herbal medicines is closely related to the cumulative effect. On average, taking decoctions and tinctures for inflammation of the prostate takes 6 to 9 months.
Chronic prostatitis
For an old chronic disease, you can use this tool:
- horse chestnut thorns and shells 50 g are poured into 3 cups of boiling water;
- insist on a thermos for 10-12 hours;
- the resulting composition is placed on a slow fire and boiled so that one third of the original volume remains;
- take 30 drops three times a day. It is good if, in parallel with this medicine, the man uses a large spoon of honey with the addition of corn and pine pollen.
Hormonal disorders
The herbs that treat prostatitis caused by hormonal imbalance are of interest to many patients. In such cases, herbal preparations are used in conjunction with hormone therapy. A large spoon of the plant mixture is fermented in 300 ml of boiling water and taken in 100 ml three times a day. This collection includes ivan tea, oregano, St. John's wort, evasive peony, marigold flowers.
The collection of herbs for infectious prostatitis is prepared as follows:
- mixes in equal proportions the leaves of the May birch, the foliage of the coltsfoot, thyme, St. John's wort, knotweed;
- a large collection spoon is poured with 0. 5 liters of boiling water;
- is left for 2-3 hours and then filtered.
The medicine is taken in the morning and in the evening, 100-150 ml daily.
Contraindications for herbal medicines
If herbal prostatitis is being treated, even the most effective recipe must be studied before using. Each plant has its own list of contraindications. You must be especially careful with plants that contain poisons, because of which you can suffer severe poisoning. To avoid problems, you must observe the prescribed dosage and do not exceed the recommended course duration.

Expert reviews and men
- Prostatitis and herbal medicine are quite compatible concepts. However, as effective as the herb is, it is advisable to consult a specialist before using it. Self-medication is harmful to health, interferes with the correct diagnosis and slows down the healing process.
- I have tried many herbs: red root, willow tea, various preparations. The effect was most noticeable on the poplar bark.
- Sure, you can't kill venereal infections with herbs, but along with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, sports, they help you stay in shape and avoid expensive doctor visits.
- I always buy tea for Ivan at my grandparents' market. I drink instead of tea. I also take poplar bark - an ideal remedy for the gland. I plan to collect them myself this year, otherwise it is a little expensive.