The causes of prostatitis distinguish the following -the main reason for the phenomenon of prostatitis is circulation, which leads to enlargement of the prostate. Cause of blood circulation disorders phenomenon is a sedentary lifestyle, and a large crowbar. Another cause of prostatitis google + getting an infection. Often, the infection can reach the result of gonorrhoea, or urethritis, at least – as a result of complications of tonsillitis, influenza, and tuberculosis. Inflammation of the prostate bacterial nature begins when contact with infectious agents in the prostate gland through the blood, lymph, during unprotected intercourse, in other words, using biological fluids of the organism. Various microorganisms are constantly present on the skin of a person, or even in the abdominal cavity, e.g. the intestine, under certain conditions, can trigger the development of the disease.
Injury of organs and soft tissues of the pelvis, a violation of their circulation are often the cause of prostatitis. As a rule, most of this applies to drivers whose work is connected with professional hazards, the constant vibration, shaking, increased load on the muscles of the perineum. The development of the disease contribute to hypothermia, and frequent low physical activity, presence of chronic diseases of urogenital or failure of hormonal balance, urinary retention and not regular sexual life. When violent sexual activity in men comes quickly from nervous and physical exhaustion, disrupted hormonal system, secretion of the sexual glands, causing Yes gradual decrease of potency. Not the best way affect the health of the men and the interrupted sexual acts. Experts say that the reasons for the formation of the disease:
- The weakening of the immune system – the big fall protective measures that prevent the occurrence of many viral infections;
- Infectious processes viral elements, germs, bacteria through the blood or lymphatic ways into the prostate. A symptom of this phenomenon in Java is the temperature when the prostate increases.
- Sedentary lifestyle – causes disruptions in blood circulation, oxygen starvation;
- Disruptions in blood circulation due to stagnant moments in the genital area – caused due to indiscriminate sexual activity, prolonged abstinence from sexual contacts, irregular sex sexual relations.
The main causes of prostatitis in men include:
- Hormonal disorders — there is a theory that increased production of testosterone.
- Adverse impact on the prostate tissue, causing growth and inflammation. No less dangerous is a hormone that relaxes the urinary function.
- Immune status — when the body works "on the verge", he reduced the protective functions. He is not able to resist the bacteria and viruses that enter his call or is unable to cope with relapses of chronic processes.
- Passive sex life — a man who has irregular intimate relationship suffers hell ate stagnant phenomena that lead to inflammation.
- Incorrectly chosen tactics of sexual contact — it's no secret that many couples as a contraceptive method practiced coitus interruptus. They have no idea what thereby prevent the outflow of sperm. In addition, as a result, the PAP is violated, the mechanism of the outflow and blood actively flows and the pelvic organs and helps maintain a full erection.
- A sedentary lifestyle results in men and congestive is eaten by Java.
- Urethral reflux — occurs against a background of bacterial lesions of the urethra. In violation of the mechanism of the reverse flow of urine, part of it gets in the way of the seed happens the bacterial infection of the prostate.
- Violation of the diet — if the diet is present harmful the hedgehog, with a predominance of animal fat and lack of protein and fiber, it affects the hormonal balance and proper intestinal function.
- Excessive exercise, especially with the use of steroid drugs.
- Hypothermia — lead and low immunity and development of pathogenic flora.

Promiscuous increases the risk of diseases that are transmitted sexually. Sexually transmitted infection in men often occur hidden, while hitting of the prostate tissue. According to research, 78% of cases the cause inflammation directly or indirectly phenomenon are Trichomonas, chlamydia, gardenella, gonorrhea. In middle age the main causes of prostatitis become sedentary, hypothermia and irregular sex life. It was during this period of acute process, the symptoms of which I did not pay attention, did not start timely treatment, may all chances to become chronic.
Diseases of the prostate gland
- Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate.
- Vesiculitis is a complication of prostatitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the seminal vesicles.
- BPH – benign neoplasm in the prostate gland.
- Cancer malignancy.
- Sarcoma of the prostate – a kind of tumor that is more common in young men (50% – children up to 10 years! 25% – people hell 10 and 30 years).
- Stones prostate. Formed as a result of impaired kidney functions.
- Fibrosis – a violation of urination.
- Abscess of the prostate – purulent processes, complications of untreated infections.
- Tuberculosis of the prostate. Caused by the bacteria Bacillus, which, as we know, affects not only the lungs.
The symptoms and signs of disease
Only the names of these diseases can bring skis! Prostate disease in men, unfortunately, not uncommon today. Perhaps this is due to the environment and lifestyle of today's youth. Anyway, any disease, to avoid complications, should be treated. Prostatitis phenomenon is no exception! Characterized by the following symptoms:
- Cutting pain in the lower abdomen during urination.
- Pain in the groin, in the scrotum.
- Deteriorated erection.
- Short sexual intercourse.
- The lack of spontaneous erection in the morning.
Set of symptoms of ad depends on the form of the disease the prostate.
- Acute prostatitis. Caused by pathogenic bacteria – Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, enterococci, Enterobacteriaceae and staphylococci, which are filled with intestinal flora. Getting through the rectum into the prostate gland, they can cause inflammation.
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis. The main reason – the same pathogenic bacteria as well as infections that are sexually transmitted – gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. Symptoms in chronic course of the disease can often be absent or mild.
- Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. The most common form. Phenomenon is due to inflammation in the pelvic organs, also with poor heredity.
- Asymptomatic (asymptomatic) chronic form, in which also suffers from the prostate. In men, the treatment of this form is often not required. However, an ounce of prevention because prostate cancer has no symptoms. So if people are sick with this form, required annually to donate blood for tumor markers. Also welcomed the periodic visits of a specialist and an ultrasound diagnosis. The only way to prevent negative consequences of prostatitis.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the enlargement of the prostate gland as a result of pathological proliferation paraurethral glands. This disease often develops in men who are over fifty (60% of cases). The main reason for the decrease in the level of sex hormones with age. It happens so that the disease attacks the representatives of the stronger the way in their Prime (30-40 years). Timely diagnosis and treatment of prostate inflammation give every chance on a healthy and fulfilling life. Thus, if increased prostate symptoms in men can be the following:
- A weak stream due to the violation of the outflow of urine.
- Frequent urge to the toilet, especially at night.
- Disorder of muscle tone of the bladder.
- Urination requires the ad men some effort.
- Sluggish stream, the clock is interrupted during the process.
- A feeling of heaviness and incomplete emptying.
- Incontinence of urine during sudden movements (laughing, coughing).
- In the urinary bladder due to disorders of the kidney the stones are formed.
Inflammation of the prostate in men, symptoms may not always be expressed. As a result, the disease is acute and goes into the running phase. Can phenomena be mental disorders, apathy, irritation. Man suffers hell full reduction of the functions of the bladder. Emptying does not occur, and if it happens rarely and in the form of drops. Developing end-stage kidney failure. If this hour is not to help the patient, he may die. If you do not make timely diagnosis and treatment of this organ, the consequences will be very sad. According to hell of what form of prostatitis was observed in men, complications are different.
- The consequences of acute prostatitis (bacterial) abscess (purulent lesions). Symptoms – fever and fever. Swelling of glands and causes complete cessation of urination. In the future, an abscess can result and blood poisoning.
- The impact of chronic prostatitis (bacterial) – decrease of libido, painful ejaculation, hard erection. Also, the disease phenomenon is the cause of vesiculitis, orchitis (inflammation of testicles), epididymitis.
- The consequences of non-bacterial prostatitis lead to impotence. You can put a cross on a full sexual life.
- Consequences of asymptomatic prostate cancer. Asymptomatic inflammation of the prostate gland, which is hours lasts for years can develop into a tumor. To diagnose cancer in early stages is difficult. Therefore, for the prevention of "male" disease, it is advisable to take the annual blood on the DOG.
Vascular forms of prostatitis in the absence of timely intervention may lead way:
- sclerosis of the prostate gland;
- the formation of stones in the bladder;
- infertility;
- the formation of cysts, adenomas.
That's why it's so important to monitor their health and at the slightest indisposition to contact the doctor. Prostate adenoma is one of the most common diseases in elderly men (90% of patients are people who is over eighty). All the danger of the disease is a complications.
- Urinary tract infections – cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis. The inflammation associated with stagnation of urine that the phenomenon is a favorable background for bacteria.
- Acute painful urinary retention. Can occur when alcohol abuse or as a reaction to drugs (also after surgery).
- The formation of stones in the bladder. All because of the stagnation of urine.
- Renal failure. Phenomenon is in advanced stages of the adenoma, may cause death of the patient.
- Hematuria – blood in the urine.
To avoid complications, you need time to handle and experts and make the therapy of the disease. In the early stages of the disease are used courses of antibiotics. On the second and third treatment is carried out surgically. It should be noted that the operation may its consequences:
- bleeding;
- infectious-inflammatory processes;
- the deterioration of the quality of sexual life.
Prostate in men, symptoms, treatment
A relevant topic for most men. Perhaps if you follow the preventive measures against the disease, the number of patients is much reduced. If it begins to falter prostate gland in men, symptoms can the first hour is almost absent or have weak expression. Because of this feature, prostatitis almost immediately goes into the category of chronic diseases. If we consider all the signs of the disease, they can be divided into several categories:
- the pain syndrome begins to appear pain and a burning sensation in the scrotum;
- dysuric effect causes problems with urination;
- sexual leads to disruption in the functioning of reproductive organs.
On the background of a sluggish inflammatory process can cause fever, then the man may feel:
- high temperature;
- severe pain in the perineum or scrotum;
- when urinating phenomena appear difficulties, and soreness;
- frequent urge to the toilet in the absence of urine;
- the prostate begins to increase in size;
- in rare cases there is retention of urine.
Prevention of the disease
Side effects of Java are of a temporary nature and after a full recovery disappear. Prostate in men, becomes inflamed as often as and the ovaries in women. Of all the types of cancer most common in men – prostate cancer. The tumor occurs in 10% of patients, Yes the same tendency of growth. To pinpoint the reasons for the formation of the tumor difficult. Most often affects men who have the inclination and cancer (in family cases).
A beneficial effect is:
- Proper and balanced diet.
- Exercise, playing sports – running, swimming, walking.
- Drugs and procedures that strengthen the immune system.
- Regular sex life.
- The rejection of bad habits.
- It is impossible to prevent hypothermia.