In order for a doctor to prescribe this or that treatment for prostatitis, he, first of all, needs to refer the patient for a diagnosis, which will reveal both the presence of the disease and its stage. The main indicator is the urine test, in which, in the case of prostatitis, white blood cells and the causative agent of the infection are detected. Based on the test results, the doctor prescribes certain pills.
Methods to combat prostate inflammation
Regardless of the causes of prostatitis, complex treatment is the most effective, of course, if it is carried out in the presence of qualified specialists, but the most important role in the beginning of successful treatment is played by competent diagnosis.
When a patient presents some symptoms of prostatitis, medications that act against the disease are prescribed:
- When the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are most often prescribed. First, the type of bacteria is calculated, which is done through bacterial culture. If the patient is diagnosed with serious illness, medications are administered intravenously. A course of antibiotics almost always lasts one to one and a half months.
However, in some cases, to prevent the disease from returning, therapy is extended.
Medication should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. If the cause of prostatitis is not identified, the attending physician may prescribe other antibacterial medications or combine them.
- In the area where the prostate and bladder connect, it is usually necessary to relax the muscle fibers and bladder neck. Alpha blockers are used for this. These medications help relieve spasms that occur when urinating. These medications should be taken according to the dosage, but it is best to consult a doctor as alpha blockers have several common side effects such as low blood pressure and headaches.
- Patients often resort to taking painkillers. They often use a derivative of propionic acid and acetylsalicylic acid. Taking painkillers naturally helps to deal with painful symptoms, but their abuse can lead to dire consequences, which is why you should consult your doctor about the dosage before taking them.
- To reduce the level of proliferation of prostate tissue, hormonal drugs are used. They help reduce testosterone levels, which causes unwanted tissue growth. With the help of treatment with these medications, you can get rid of inflammation and normalize hormonal levels.
- Patients with severe pain and discomfort in the groin area are prescribed muscle relaxants. These drugs affect the muscles of the perineum, especially the striated muscles. When tension occurs in this area, the patient experiences very unpleasant sensations and spasms. Muscle relaxants are prescribed for pelvic pain as well as chronic prostatitis.
- Herbal remedies that contain natural ingredients are also used. Various plant extracts, essential oils and pollen are part of herbal medicine. Depending on the direction of symptoms, specific therapy is prescribed. Most often, these medications are pain relievers or relieve swelling and inflammation.
Prostatitis treatment in various ways
In this disease, there is a need for antibiotic therapy, as prostatitis is an infectious disease. This therapy can speed up recovery, as well as prevent complications and reduce intoxication.
The treatment process only begins after all necessary tests have been submitted and verified. After five days, the laboratory provides the doctor with the results of the patient's swab test. The doctor has the right to prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to begin therapy against the infection.
- Acute bacterial form of prostatitis
The causative agent of the acute form is gram-negative bacteria from the Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas group, Proteus, Klebsiella, as well as enterococci. Sometimes anaerobic bacteria, Chlamydia, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus faecalis are found in the disease secretion.
In this form of prostatitis, antibiotic treatment is simply necessary. Among these medications are tetracyclines, as well as quinolones or sulfonamides. If men undergoing treatment are suspected of acquiring the disease through sexual contact, treatment for chlamydia infection will also be prescribed.
Patients with sepsis are taken to the hospital to receive parenteral antibiotics. In these cases, aminoglycosides and cephalosporins are prescribed, agents with a broad spectrum of action.
- Chronic bacterial form of prostatitis
Many antibiotics cannot penetrate the prostate epithelium when it is inflamed, which is why their action is not always as effective as we would like. Most often, the disease occurs due to the appearance of gram-negative microorganisms, which include Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma hominis and Chlamydia trachomatis. Macrolides and tetracyclines are prescribed against these infections and must be taken for two weeks.
- Asymptomatic prostatitis
Prostate-specific antigen testing is performed on patients with asymptomatic, usually chronic, prostatitis. The exam begins after a two-week course of antibiotics.
- Non-bacterial prostatitis
Numerous studies in the field of this disease have shown that chronic pelvic pain syndrome calms down after a course of antibiotics. It is for this reason that the doctor prescribes two weeks of antibiotic treatment even in cases where there is no infection at the time of diagnosis.
Some infections tend to adapt to medications. In such cases, alpha-blockers are prescribed, which help eliminate the main cause of non-bacterial prostatitis. This cause is the abnormal flow of urine from the urethra to the prostate. Pain when urinating disappears when the urethral muscles relax.
The third way to rid the patient of the disease is anti-inflammatory tablets, which suppress the immune system of prostate tissue, which is the cause of inflammation. In addition, these drugs have an additional analgesic property, which has a beneficial effect on pain in the lower back and perineum.
The effectiveness of herbal preparations
In cases of chronic prostatitis, doctors recommend using additional treatment with herbal remedies. It is based on extracts of various medicinal herbs that many medicines were produced and are still produced to this day. Including famous brands:
- Palm fruit extract is available in tablets that reduce the level of substances (mediators of the inflammatory process) that contribute to chronic prostatitis. This medicine improves the condition of the prostate gland by normalizing blood flow.
- The medicine contains African plum, which reduces swelling and inflammatory processes in the prostate and at the same time stabilizes the functionality of the cells.
- Additionally, a flavonoid (vitamin P) helps reduce the activity of anti-inflammatory substances and relax pelvic floor muscle tissue. When used, swelling and pain are reduced.
- Chinese tablets that stimulate lymphatic drainage and blood circulation in the prostate help alleviate the symptoms of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. In general, amino acids, phytosterols, glycosides and various minerals have a positive effect on the body.