Inflammation of prostate tissue (prostatitis) is the most common urological disease in males over 30 years, which can be triggered by various environmental factors or internal disturbances and failures. All who are faced with this problem, interested in how to effectively treat prostatitis what to do, so as not to aggravate the situation and prevent complications.

It is important to seek qualified medical help to determine the type of disease to receive comprehensive treatment.
Types of prostatitis in men, and particularly their treatment
Forms of the disease the prostate gland, are distinguished:
- chronic;
- sharp.
Based on the causes of prostatitis klassificeret on:
- bacterial;
- calculous;
- stagnant.
It is characterized by slow and sluggish for the symptoms of the disease is weak. Chronic prostatitis often occurs in older males, and if untreated, can develop into a worsening in the form of BPH. The main cause of manifestation of this type of prostatitis is penetration into the prostate the microbes, which break down its walls.
Clinical features of chronic form are as follows:
- a feeling of tingling, burning, intermittent pain in the groin;
- sexual disorders – premature ejaculation, weak erection, pain on ejaculation, decrease in libido;
- weakness, irritation, lethargy;
- frequent difficulty and urinary retention;
- mild aching pain in the perineum.

With the therapy of chronic prostatitis can not be delayed so as not to provoke complications. The main treatment scheme comprises:
- antibiotics;
- surgery (in advanced cases);
- massage of the prostate;
- magnetic therapy;
- diet;
- physical therapy;
- of folk medicine.
This type of inflammation of the prostate is more common in men 20-40 years. Bacterial prostatitis occurs as a result of contact with prostate various microorganisms:
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
- Mycoplasma;
- Escherichia coli;
- chlamydia;
- enterococci;
- Trichomonas;
- Staphylococcus.
Therapy of bacterial prostatitis comprises:
- a prescription of antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs;
- dieting;
- a course of physiotherapy treatment.
With such a variety of diseases of prostate disease occurs suddenly and progresses rapidly. Treatment of acute prostatitis occurs only in a hospital.

For fast recovery use modern methods and products, which include:
- anti-inflammatory drugs and candles;
- medication to reduce swelling of the prostate and normal urination;
- immunomodulators;
- antibiotics;
- microclysters on the basis of medicinal herbs;
- physiotherapy.
This kind of disease of the prostate occurs very rarely and is found in older men. The cause of calculous prostatitis is the presence in the prostate gland stone-like seals that are formed as a result of the stagnant processes of the salts of calcium or phosphate, prostate secretion, inflammatory exudate. If you have large stones need surgery. In other cases of calculous form doctors prescribe:
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- immunomodulators;
- antibiotics;
- physical therapy;
- massage of the prostate gland.

Such prostatitis caused by penetration into tissues of various disease-causing pathogens: bacteria, viruses and microscopic fungi. There are acute and chronic forms of this disease. Before the treatment of infectious forms begin immediately without waiting for the results of tests using:
- antibacterial therapy;
- physical therapy;
- nutrition.
How to treat prostatitis at home
Treatment of acute or advanced forms of prostatitis is performed only in a hospital, when a serious condition requiring surgery. But uncomplicated form of the disease, or chronic recurrence effectively treated at home or outpatient. The treatment of the disease in men at home is possible only with the permission of the doctor. A beneficial effect on the prostate provides massage and hirudotherapy, gives good results medical gymnast and medical therapy, herbs and extracts can inhibit the growth of bacteria-pathogens.
Inflammation of the prostate gland is a disease that requires a comprehensive approach and use not only medicines from prostatitis, but and other methods. Without the intake of quality medicines to achieve a sustainable effect will not work.
In the complex treatment of prostatitis is often used herbal remedy. Here is a list of other drugs:

- Antibacterial. Antibiotics – the most important medicine in the fight against pathogenic bacteria in the prostate, they well remove the inflammatory process, completely destroy the pathogen.
- Means of alpha-blockers have a positive effect on the muscle cells of the prostate, causing the muscles from spasm relaxes, stabiliziruemost work sfinkterov, improves the flow of urine.
- Hormonal. Drugs of this type are used for treatment of prostatitis only on prescription. Treatment prostate hormone pills anti-inflammatory and stimulating erectile function action.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Muscle relaxants or antispasmodics. Drugs of this group are used in the role of a pain reliever for prostatitis.
- Immunomodulatory.
- Rectal suppositories. Together with drugs from prostatitis, it is recommended to use medical remedies, such as candles. They can be antibiotics, bee products, antispasmodics. Candles have a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, eliminate swelling, relieve inflammation and pain, restore normal urination and to improve blood circulation.
Prostate massage
To cure the prostatitis and other male diseases will help therapeutic massage. It reduces inflammation and pain in the prostate, improves potency and allows you to clean the prostate of pus and bacteria, stimulates blood flow to the prostate gland. Technique of prostate massage:
- Duration - 1-2 minutes. Before the procedure the patient needs to relax, drink several glasses of water. The massage is done with your finger or use the last trimester of pregnancy prostate.
- Patient position: standing on straight legs, resting his palms on the couch.
- The doctor first massage the opening of the anus to the introduction of a finger (or device for massage) was painless. Then, the index finger (which is wearing the glove) injected into the rectum.
- Next is the massaging surface of the prostate.

Towards a comprehensive therapy for better effect of treatment of prostatitis, you need to add a simple sport exercises which help to increase the supply of the gland with blood and oxygen. Useful:
- abdominal exercises;
- sports or slow walking;
- squats;
- Jogging;
- exercise "birch".
Treatment with leeches
Hirudotherapy is an effective method in the fight against prostatitis, because during the session, the stimulation of the blood supply. Leeches are placed on the anus, according to the scheme "X" where the center letter is the anus, and the edges of her leeches. The course must be done 5 times with the obligatory breaks for 4-5 days. The benefits of leech therapy for prostatitis has triple value:
- the decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the area of inflammation;
- improvement of blood circulation;
- the saturation of the body and ease nutrients that come with the saliva of leeches.
Folk remedies for home treatment
Treatment of prostatitis folk remedies at home has a positive effect on health, because many of the methods already proven for centuries. Among the common means of this kind of release:

- Pumpkin seeds. The seeds of this plant contains a lot of zinc, essential for men's health and to effectively treat prostatitis. To the body receives a daily dose of zinc, eat 30 seeds per day before meals.
- Tincture of aspen bark. The infusion has a positive effect on the prostate gland, and its easy to prepare. The main ingredient is the bark of aspen need to collect before buds and leaves and dry in the oven. 100 grams of dry bark grind, pour in half-liter jar and pour 200 grams of alcohol or vodka. Close the jar with a lid, insist in a dark place for 10-14 days. 20 drops ready strained infusion is diluted with quarter Cup of water and drink during the month for 3 times a day before meals.
- Bee stings. Difficult, but effective method for the treatment of prostate, duration 3 weeks. You should start with a single bite, every day adding another one. Continue until you get to 10 bites a day.
- The propolis. Excellent relieves spasms and inflammation of the prostate gland. Ingested in the form of candles. Course prostate treatment lasts 20 days, each evening in the rectum inserted and 1 candle.
- Bath with sea salt has a healing, relaxing effect on the body and prostate, improve blood circulation.
- A decoction of onion peel. The tool has a positive effect on the simplicity and harmless for the body. The washed peel onions cooked in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then 2 hours the mixture is infused, filtered. Infusion drink during months 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day.

Surgical treatment of prostatitis
Surgery for prostatitis is carried out in critical cases, if necessary to preserve the life and health of the patient. The main types of this treatment include the following:
- Resection of the prostate. Partial removal of the prostate gland.
- Circumcisio. Amputation of the foreskin of the penis.
- Prostatectomy. The removal of the entire prostate gland.
- Drainage of the abscess. Cleansing the prostate gland from purulent accumulation.
Prevention of the disease
To prevent the occurrence of prostatitis, you need to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. To do this, use these tips:
- Increase physical activity. To prevent violations of blood circulation in the pelvic area and stagnation in the prostate exercise. Useful: walking, volleyball, dancing, swimming, fitness, tennis. Desirable: power sports, a sedentary lifestyle.
- Eat right. Avoid excessively fatty, salty, spicy, fried, smoked, pickled food. For the normal functioning of the prostate, a daily diet should consist of consumption of different cereals, dairy products, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water.
- Have one regular partner and use protection during sexual intercourse. Casual sex, frequent change of partners negatively affects the prostate gland.

Also useful is the following:
- Keep a regular sex life. The norm for middle-aged men are having sex 2-3 times per week but not more than 1 times per day. At a constant sexual life is prostate massage, which reduces the risk of bacterial proliferation in the prostate gland.
- Avoid hypothermia.
- Screened regularly. Many do not know what kind of doctor treats prostatitis in men. Massage and prostate treatment is undertaken by an urologist or andrologist.